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DSO 2016 | Comprehensive Analysis

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CONF1: I am confident that I can use my smartphone to its full potential

Group: Treatment
38251443Somewhat agreeStrongly agreeNeutralSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagreeCount02040
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Throughout the interviews many questions were intended to gauge how the respondents learn digital skills, what they wanted to learn about technology and how confident they were with their own smartphone skills. This page presents a snapshot of findings on these topics.

Respondents from the treatment group participated in several intervention workshops. This subgroup of respondents were asked additional questions about what they learned and shared from these workshops.

During the fourth interview session in July 2016, respondents were asked a couple of questions measuring their confidence in handling their smartphone. They were asked to rate how much they agreed with a statement relating to smartphone use.

Overall, there were some notable differences between the answers of the treatment group and the control group, as well as between those of female and male respondents.

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CONF1: I am confident that I can use my smartphone to its full potential

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Percentage of respondents that answered 'Yes' to "Has your income changed since the last visit?"

Value3020100AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Yes (All respondents)
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Lifestyle and Economy

This page deals with the question 'Has your income changed since the last visit?'.

Across the interviews, the respondents say that their income has changed between 15% and 26% of the time since the last visit. Interview 4 in August saw a dip across genders and the treatment group, but not for the control group.

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"Has your income changed since the last visit?" - Split up by group and gender

Value40200AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Yes (Women)Yes (Treatment)Yes (Control)Yes (Men)Yes (All respondents)
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Have you opened a new social media account since our last visit?

Value20100JuneJulyAugSeptOctNov 2016Yes (All respondents)
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Adoption of Smartphone, Internet and Apps

This page deals with the following questions, as answered across all interviews:

  • Have you opened a new Social media account, since last time we visited you?

  • What is the status of your phone?

  • Have you had to buy/receive a new phone, apart from the one you had last time?

  • How many apps do you have on you phone?

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Have you had to buy/receive a new phone, apart from the one you had last time?

Value3020100JuneJulyAugSeptOctNov 2016Yes (All respondents)
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How many apps do you have on your phone?

Value80706050403020100AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Amount (Control)Amount (Women)Amount (Treatment)Amount (All respondents)Amount (Men)
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Selection of 'Which digital financial services have you been using since the last visit?'

Value100806040200AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Okoa Jahazi (All respondents)M-Shwari - Loan, Lock (All respondents)M-Pesa (All respondents)
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Digital Financial Services

This page deals with the following questions:

  • Which digital financial services have you been using since the last visit?

  • How often have you been using digital financial services since the last visit?

  • What is your total balance from DFS (excluding airtime)?

  • What would you like to learn about digital financial services since the last visit?

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How often have you been using digital financial services since the last visit?

Value100806040200AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016Sometimes + Often + Very Often (All Resp…Never (All respondents)Rarely (All respondents)
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What would you like to learn about digital financial services since the last visit?

Value50403020100JuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDec 2016How to transfer money (All respondents)How to calculate interest rates (All respondents)How to use a specific DFS (All respondents)More about saving (All respondents)Nothing (All respondents)About all DFS (in general) (All respondents)More about loans (All respondents)How DFS work (All respondents)How to open a bank account (All respondents)How transactions work (All respondents)How to find a job (All respondents)Other specific use (All respondents)DFS safety (All respondents)
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What is your total balance from DFS (excluding airtime)?

Value2 k1.5 k1 k0.5 k0AprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovD… 2016Amount (All respondents)
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