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Amazon Web Services

This folder contains documentation for how we use different AWS services as part of usual workflows in deploying or configuring applications/websites.

Learn How To

Where do AWS resources go?

In general, put create new resources in the mofo-projects account. The exception to this rule is if the new resource needs to be in the legacy account (mofo-everything) to access an existing resource in that account (i.e. IAM stored certificates in mofo-everything are only available to resources in that account)

Useful Tools

  • Interface with your AWS resources using a terminal emulator!
  • aws-shell
  • Interactive shell for working with AWS. Autocomplete commands and resources, inline documentation. What more could you want.
  • Assume AWS Role
  • A helper script for assuming new AWS Roles for when working with multiple accounts.
  • Logentries
  • Log aggregation service. Lets you view, search and analyze server logs in real time. Use for debugging issues in staging and production.