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Deploy heroku

How to Setup a Heroku App with Cloudfront

Assuming you have created your heroku app and have the link ready e.g. (

Create Cloudfront Distribution

  1. Open cloudfront and hit Create Distribution
  2. In this case we are going to click Get Started on create web distribution.
  3. Fill in the blank for Origin Settings section.
    3.1 Origin Domain Name: This should be your heroku URL (
    3.2 Origin Path: This should be your base route for example: then this should be /home
    3.3 Origin ID: This will be auto generated.
    3.4 Origin Custom Headers: Use this to pass custom HTTP Headers from CloudFront to your origin server
  4. Fill in the blank for Default Cache Behavior Settings.
    4.1 Viewer Protocol Policy: Redirect HTTP to HTTPS if you need this to be on HTTPS
    4.2 Allowed HTTP Methods: Leave it GET, HEAD unless you need other METHODS.
    NOTE: leave other part as default in this section unless you need something custom
  5. Fill in the blank for Distribution Settings
    5.1 Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs): This should be your Route53 domain name for example:
    5.2 SSL Certificate: You would probably want Custom SSL Certificate ( Select the one that matches your Route53 domain.
  6. The rest can be left as default, and hit Create Distribution

Create Route53

  1. Open Hosted zone
  2. Click Create Hosted Zone or open an existing domain in the list.
  3. Create new record by clicking on Create Record Set
  4. On the right sidebar fill in these fields:
    4.1 Name: this will be your subdomain name ( would be appname
    4.2 Type: A - IPv4 address record in the case of Cloudfront distribution
    4.3 Alias: Yes
    4.4 Alias Target: This will be cloudfront distribution URL (you can obtain this by going to the list in cloudfront tab and click on your distribution and find it under Domain Name). 4.5 Click Create